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30 Must Read Engineering Books

So, you need some recommendations for great engineering books? Then you’ve come to the right place. Following publications are recognized as some of the most remarkable engineering books of all time and many of them are enduring classics.
The following list is not exhaustive, but includes some of the greatest engineering books to buy.
You can dive into Elon Musk’s relentless drive and ingenious vision with this book and, better understand Silicon Valley’s most audacious entrepreneur. Spending more than 30 hours in conversation with Musk and interviewing nearly 300 people, technology journalist Ashlee Vance created an exceptionally well-prepared work for you.
As software engineers, you are probably familiar with being asked to whip up brilliant algorithms on the spot or want to be able to do so if asked. This book with 189 programming questions and solutions can help you with that.
A great read piece by the great mathematician Hamming who suggests that effective thinking can be learned. By studying how great scientists think, you can gradually think like them as well.
This book offers timeless and elegant solutions to common problems in software design and describes patterns for the various phenomena from managing object creation to coordinating control flow between objects. Design Patterns is a classic of object-oriented development.
Another great piece for software engineers. In a time where growth in data amount and computing application diversity is exploding, effective algorithms are needed now more than ever. Covering the full spectrum of modern algorithms, this comprehensive textbook can be a great companion for you throughout your learning journey.
It is not a surprise that engineers admire technology and, artificial intelligence plays an important role in this admiration. Complementing near-term implications of recent accomplishments in AI and a thorough analysis of the possible future regarding how close we are to AGI and Superintelligence, this book offers you a combination of fun and informative time.
Covering many of the latest AI-related ideas and technological developments from the computational ability to L4 automated vehicles and many more, this book is an excellent choice if you are interested in artificial intelligence and its basic principles.
Written by Henry Petroski, this book emphasizes the importance of the study of design failures. It explores well-known engineering failures such as the Hyatt Skywalk, The Mianus River Bridge collapse, and the problematic DC-10 engine servicing.
Written by Robert Pirsig, this book is probably one of the most influential engineering books of the 20th century. It was first published over forty years ago and it’s still relevant today for any mechanical engineer. Pirsig explores the question: “What is quality?” It is said that the quest ultimately drove the author insane. Anthony J Marchese from Colorado State University describes this book as representing a journey upon which all mechanical engineers should embark.
This is a classic engineering book and has been through several editions. Written by Donald Norman, this book isn’t just about the design process but also about people and the way they use things. The Design of Everyday Things can change the way we think about the products we use, and about the part, we play in creating new products.
Specifically designed for people who are interested in studying engineering, this is an excellent introduction written by Saeed Moaveni. It explains the fundamental principles of engineering. A worthy entry on the list of great engineering books.
Written by David Blockley, this engineering book is aimed at those who want to learn more about engineering but have limited time. It explores the history and the nature of engineering.
This book is perfect for anyone interested in mechanical engineering. It covers a range of primary theories beginning with basic machines.
First released in 1995, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in a career in engineering. It has become the best-selling introduction book to the engineering of all time. We highly recommend it.
Written by Eugene S. Ferguson, this engineering book is actually an extension of Ferguson’s essay on engineering in relation to intuition and nonverbal thinking.
This one is for children. In this book, Patty O’Brien Novak is simply explaining why engineering is important and how engineers shape our world.
Here is another great book for anyone who wishes to know more about mechanical engineering. It intends to teach basic concepts and principles.
This doozy contains real-life examples of fundamental physics and engineering principles.
This interesting engineering book explores how engineers think and feel about their chosen profession.
This book is practically the canon of engineers. Since it was first published in 1944, it has become a key study book for engineers.
First published in 1995, The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks Jr. is a well written and witty engineering book. It describes the difficulties of engineering complex systems, as well as explores a perspective on the operation of organizations. This book should not only be read by engineers, but by every manager of a technology organization.
This is a seminal book on appropriate technology that incorporates a wider philosophy of the social role of design. Written by Victor Papanek, this book is very much a manifesto imparted with urgency and feeling.
This book is about Data General during the 1970s. The writer Tracy Kidder successfully captures the excitement and obsession provoked by the act of creation. It focuses on the team as they design a new computer. So, expect lots of sideburns and beards. This is an excellent book that deserves to be discovered.
As the title suggests, this engineering book is about how a range of accidents happen. It is an exploration of systemic failure and its implications. Written by Charles Perrow, this book is extraordinarily readable and full of compelling examples.
Brunelleschi’s Dome is about one of the most impressive projects of the Renaissance, the Dome of Florence Cathedral. In this book, writer Ross King tells both the biography of a genius and the history of an incredible piece of engineering.
This is actually a novel but still a worthy entry. The title Homo Faber refers to both ‘man the maker’ and the voice of the narrative Walter Faber. The book tears apart the world-view of engineering.
Written by Mario Salvadori, this overview of building methods provides essential awareness of problem-solving in structural engineering.
In this well-known book, the authors examine buildings of all kinds and time periods. Their subjects range from Parthenon’s man-caused destruction to damages of the earthquake of 1989 in Armenia and San Francisco.
Written by one of the best-known authors of engineering textbooks and references Michael R. Lindeburg, this book can provide the answers to your engineering questions. Whether you are a student or practicing in any engineering field, you can find more than 30 years of experience in this book.
This book continues to offer a comprehensive and rigorous analysis of classical thermodynamics. Written by Claus Borgnakke, Richard E. Sonntag, it’s now on its eighth edition.
In his classic book, J. G. Landels describes the technological advances of the Greeks and Romans with erudition and enthusiasm.
Written by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas, this engineering book cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development. It examines the core process, taking a requirement and producing maintainable code that delights its users.
Another classic from Henry Petrovski. This book takes you on a tour of various structures from classical temples to twentieth-century towers. It explains how engineers have learned about design more from failure than from success.
Written by David McCullough, this book takes a look at the dramatic and enthralling story of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the world’s longest suspension bridge at the time.
This book is designed for anyone in the machine trades for whom convenient access to just the most basic data is at a premium.
This book by Richard Weingardt features a list of 32 engineering legends from the 1700s to the present.
Serving as a textbook for students of B Tech, this book by R.S. Khurmi includes color plates. It covers topics such as Kinematics of Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Steam engine valves and much more.
Designing Engineers, written by Louis L. Bucciarelli, “describes the evolution of three disparate projects: an x-ray inspection system for airports, a photo print machine, and a residential photovoltaic energy system”.
The book takes the reader through the design process of these projects. It explores the negotiation (and often conflict) between engineers, marketing staff, research scientists, accountants, and customers, that go into bringing a new product to market.
This book will help any budding engineer, or a veteran, understand that engineering projects are more than just designing and making ‘things.’
Written by Christopher McFadden
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